Dead flowers

Although there are some white in the background of one of these shots, it really is just ice. We haven’t had snow for more than a month. The temperature is probably around 15-20 degrees celsius warmer than usual this time of the year. It feels like nothing’s right with the weather around the world these days. Colder than in 20 years in parts of the USA, warmer than in a very long time here in Norway. There are snow in the mountains close to the town I grew up though, I’m so jealous of all the photos of people going skiing on Facebook…. I hope all my American friends are OK, and then I hope for a little bit of cold weather and snow where I live. ย Right now the grass is growing and getting greener and there are actually pussy willows on the willow tree by the house. Those usually don’t come until late March, early April.

Anyways, I’m rambling now I think. I just wanted to complain a bit. I haven’t felt like going outside with my camera either, but I did the other day and found some dead flowers to photograph.

dead flowers in January

dead flowers 2

20 thoughts on “Dead flowers

  1. Hooray, dead flowers! ๐Ÿ˜€ Both beautiful but I just love the second one. What an interesting cup-like shape to those flowers. They look so sweet and delicate against the soft green background. For your sake, though, I hope you get to experience some actual winter! I had no idea it was so mild there right now. That sounds like the winter we were having over here two years ago. I remember sitting out on the front deck at my parents’, barefoot, drinking a beer right around this time. I think it was close to 10C… A happy medium between these extremes would be nice.

  2. It’s warmer here too especially down in the South West England. It was around 12 degrees celcius today. I’d really like some cold weather too. It doesn’t feel like winter at the moment. Happy New Year to you too. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I’ve just checked on and it looks like you’re going to get some of the white fluffy stuff at the weekend. I so hope you do!

      2. Did the snow arrive? The temperature is dropping here too. It will be around 5 degrees tomorrow instead of the dizzy heights of 12 degrees that it’s been recently. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. These are beautiful, Inga! You know I’m such a fan of your work!! Send some warmer weather our way….although it is up to -1 today, much better than the -20 last night!!

    1. Thank you so much, Barb! I really appreciate it. I’ll send some warmer weather your way and you send some of that cold our way and maybe we will meet in the middle ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Inga, I like your rambling โ€ฆ and I love these images.
    While my family in Indiana is miserable with the snow, ice, and cold, we are quite comfortable in Arizona with lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s.

    I keep looking at these images. Stark beauty.

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