117/366 Growing love

Today I have just a snapshot of my tv screen to share with you. But it’s a snapshot filled with love. Last week the trial after the terror attacks in Oslo and at Utøya last  summer started. One terrorist bombed the government buildings in Oslo and shot and killed almost 70 young people at a youth party camp at the small island Utøya. In total 77 persons died July 22 2011. A few days after the attack hundreds of thousands of people in Oslo and all over Norway came together to show that love and roses  can conquer hate. Last week the terrorist mentioned a particular song that he means is an example of what he calls “marxist brain washing of children in Norway”. That song is “Barn av regnbuen” – a Norwgian version of Pete Seeger’s “My Rainbow Race”. The Norwegian lyrics is by Lillebjørn Nilsen, and it’s a well-known children’s song.

Today people again took to the street with roses and love. Two women startet a campaign on Facebook, wanting people to come together and sing this song. 4000 said they would like to come. Today more than 40 000 people gathered to sing this song together, lead by Lillebjørn Nilsen who also came with greetings from Pete Seeger. Afterwards they all went together to the court house to place their roses there. Also in other cities and towns all over the country people gathered to sing this song together.

17 thoughts on “117/366 Growing love

  1. I know, I remember this tragic event… made me so sad too… But I can see how great people in Norway and I support them with my heart… I wished to be there and to sing this song with them all… Thank you for sharing with us dear Inga, I will reblog your post today, it is so meaningful and so nice. Love, nia

  2. Thank you for sharing this. It’s inspiring to see how the Norwegian people have come together to deal with this tragedy with such grace, since the very beginning.

  3. I remember this horrible event. It was so awful and at the same time, it was wonderful to see how the Norwegian people showed the best of themselves to each other and the world. Love to all of you.

  4. Ooooooh wat a tragedy that was… I think the whole world weaped with your country. thanks for sharing this with us and to let the world know that You Norwegians are a strong country with love gathering together and to sing this song with soooo many people, that makes our hearts glow!
    I will search for the song on YouTube and will listen… ❤❤❤

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